About us

Our mission

Founded by lawyers who are members of the Quebec Bar, Hypotek aims to make legal mortgages accessible to the general public.

We have integrated the prescriptions of the Civil Code of Quebec with algorithms that enable our users to publish legal hypothecs in just a few clicks.

Our mission is to enable users to save time and money by computerizing tasks traditionally performed by a legal professional.

Rest assured, all documents produced by the platform are rigorously checked by a team of experienced paralegals and lawyers, providing users with rigorous quality control at low cost.


Hypotek in 4 easy steps!

  • Submit certain information about your claim (e.g. amount and payer details).

  • Our software and professionals will evaluate your file and initiate hypothec recourse against your debtor.

  • All you have to do is wait for your debtor to pay, if he doesn't want you to seize his property as payment. Generally, the case is settled at this stage.

  • If you don't receive payment, you can take legal action to seize your debtor's property.


Free legal support

A team of legal professionals will inform Hypotek users free of charge about mortgage recourse and the next steps to take.

Hypothèques légales

Une méthode simplifié

sur laquelle vous pouvez compter