The #1 Legal Hypothec Software in Quebec!

Publish legal hypothecs in just a few clicks with Hypotek!


Hypotek denounces your contracts and automates each of the mandatory steps to maintain your legal construction mortgages.
It’s quick and easy!


Hypotek allows co-ownership associations to force a co-owner to pay their contributions in a few clicks.
It’s economical and effective!


Your debtor refuses to pay you despite a judgment, but he owns a building?
Hypotek easily allows you to use your debtor's property as payment security.

Hypotek’s Turnkey Solution

After entering some information into Hypotek’s Web platform, its algorithms and our professionals will determine your eligibility for a legal hypothec and schedule the formalities that need to be completed within the applicable time limits.

Once your file has been submitted, Hypotek will take care of the rest. All that is left for you to do is wait for the debtor to send you the payment related to your claim.

Hypothèques légales

Un service clé en main chapeauté par nos experts

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Legal hypotecs

A simplified method

that you can count on


Recent publications

What is a legal mortgage? First of all, the definition of a legal hypothec: it is a protective measure

What does it mean to register a legal mortgage? Registering a legal mortgage is a procedure by which a

Find out how Hypotek makes the legal mortgage process easier with its online lawyer service. Contact us for more


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The legal mortgage in a nutshell

What is a legal mortgage? The legal hypothec is a protection offered by the Civil Code of Québec that is reserved for certain individuals or companies who have participated in the construction or renovation of an immovable. For example, contractors or suppliers of materials and other construction stakeholdersTo guarantee payment of their services on the building, contractors may register a legal construction hypothec within 30 days of completion of the work. Likewise, a condominium corporation can register a legal hypothec of the syndicate on a co-ownership in the event of non-payment of common charges by a co-owner. Finally, the unpaid judgment creditor can also register a legal mortgage on the debtor’s property. It is important to understand the different types of legal mortgages and to consult the appropriate legal documents to ensure effective management.

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Online legal software specially designed for legal mortgages

As technology advances, online legal software become an invaluable tool for managing legal mortgages. Online legal software lets you publish a mortgage, track deadlines and manage the legal documents associated with a legal mortgage. For example, if the syndicate of co-owners decides to protect its claim with a mortgage following default of paymentThe software can prepare, manage and issue the necessary documentation to the relevant parties, such as co-owners and even the Land Registry. The adoption of such software enables more efficient management and better compliance with legal obligations.

For each legal mortgage, we have detailed a turnkey procedure:

Legal construction mortgage :

Legal hypothec of the syndicate of co-ownership

Legal mortgage resulting from a judgment

Who can use this online legal mortgage software?

This online legal mortgage software is designed to be used by a wide range of users, including those with no legal knowledge. Accessible to allIt is particularly useful for contractors, material suppliers, architects and anyone involved in the construction or renovation of a building. They can use it to register a legal hypothec following completion of the work. Drawing up your own legal mortgage has never been easier. Save time and legal fees while ensuring you get paid.

What’s more, this software is ideal for condominium associations. They can use it to take charge of non-payment of common charges. If required, it is possible to register a legal mortgage for the syndicate. The major advantage of this software is its ease of use, no special legal expertise required to master our 100% online platform. See our FAQand our Blog for more information.

Take a look at our packages and benefits:

Offre de reprise des chantiers – Durée Limitée !

Inscriptions des hypothèques légales & Préavis d’exercice sans frais!

Pour célébrer la reprise de la saison des chantiers de construction, nous proposons une offre exclusive à durée limitée :​

  • ​Lettres de dénonciation;
  • Inscriptions d’hypothèques légales;  
  • ​Mises en demeure;
  • Préavis d’exercice d’un recours hypothécaire;
  • ​Quittances;​​

​Tous ces services sont offerts sans frais pendant cette période promotionnelle !

Ne manquez pas cette opportunité exceptionnelle de sécuriser vos projets de construction avec des services juridiques complets et gratuits. Cette offre est valable pour une durée limitée, alors agissez rapidement pour en bénéficier.​

Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour profiter de cette offre exclusive !

Cette promotion est soumise à des conditions spécifiques et est valable jusqu'au 27 avril 2025.